If you have placed an order and haven't received a confirmation e-mail, the issue is normally in your e-mail service provider. Unfortunately, we do not have the option to resend the confirmation e-mails to an e-mail different from the one the order was placed with.
Option 1: Logged in
If you were logged into your account when placing your order, the quickest way to check if your order was successfully placed is by following these steps: Log into your account. If your login was successful, upon clicking "My Orders" you will see your order listed. If you do not see your current order number or any order numbers, that means your order has failed, and we didn't receive it. If you are still unsure, please contact Sales and Shipping Support by opening a request at this link . In the event that you already have an open request ticket, please allow us to review it and reply to it before you close it, as we will not be able to respond to it if the request is closed.
Option 2: Guest Checkout
If you used the guest checkout when placing your order, please contact Sales and Shipping Support and we will look into your order for you. In the event that you already have an open request ticket, please allow us to review it and reply to it before you close it, as we will not be able to respond to it if the request is closed.
Future purchases:
We recommend using one of the below domains to ensure you receive all of our e-mails. We've tested all of them and all confirmation e-mails that were listed in our log came through.
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